Announcement: Appointment Scheduling

Upon arriving home, I sifted through and answered my 345 emails and as I did so, I finished filling up my October schedule. I am once again attempting to take November and December off for the holidays, so I can relax and spend more time with my family. This works out well since I really prefer to take pictures outdoors anyways, and snowy weather just makes me want to curl up in blankets and read stories to my boys. So this announcement is to say that I will not be accepting any new appointments for the rest of the year. If you have discussed a possible appointment with me, but it's not scheduled, please bring it up again with me SOON so we can get that taken care of. And of course, if you are enrolled in the Baby Steps program, you will still be able to get in for 3,6,9, or 12 month baby pictures, but I will not be accepting any new Baby Steps customers until January.

If you'd like to schedule something for January, or senior pictures for the Spring, PLEASE, call soon so I can get you on the calendar!! Thank you!