Matt & Toni are Engaged

Matt & Toni met in the parking lot of Houlihans. Yes, in the parking lot. No, they had not ARRANGED to meet in the parking lot. They actually MET for the first time ever in the parking lot. This amuses me so much. But when I met the two of them, it made perfect sense! I met Toni first, and immediately she radiated with a happy, optimistic personality that would certainly extend across a parking lot! Then this past week, I met Matt for the first time and realized that when he gets a thought in his head, he doesn't hesitate to act on it! I just wanted to sigh at the perfection of it all. When two awesome people find their way to each other so naturally, the stars align, birds sing, the clouds shift, and perfect lighting shines on them all day (which you'll see is SO conveniently perfect for pictures! lol).

I knew this was going to be a good shoot right from the very start. When we approached the river bank I looked at the cool grass along the steep bank and then looked at Toni's high heels and both of their white clothing and thought to myself, "I can't ask them to do that." But Matt instantly saw what I was thinking and jumped on down there. Toni didn't bat an eye and hopped down too. Usually it takes about 10-15 minutes for a shoot to warm up and for the shots to look natural...but not this time! One of my favorite shots was the first frame of the day:

I'm sure by now you're aware of my obsession with expressive feet. LOVE this shot.

Now this was SOOO cool. I didn't even see what was right under my feet, but Matt noticed that there were these grassy areas in the shape of hearts! I could not have been more excited at that discovery!

This is, in my opinion, is a perfect 1/250 of a second!

After a little time in the city, we made a break for the country!

LOOVE the feel of this picture!

I have too many favorites. It's not MY fault! They were so photogenic!

The horses were "kissing" in the background too...couldn't help loving this shot!