Uptown Design Studio

You may remember this amazing bff of mine, Rebecca, who I've blogged about in the past. They are adopting this amazing little Chinese boy named Owen. Above is a picture of the first time he saw a photo of his new Mommy and Daddy (cropped for privacy, I wish you could see his SWEET little face!!). I had the privilege of taking that photo of Rebecca and her husband...what an honor to be involved in Owen's first introduction to his parents! Since then, this family has been waiting about 6 months to be united, but are hoping to be enroute to China this Fall!!! I can't WAIT! I'm so excited!!!

Rebecca has crazy mad design skills of all kinds! Interior, exterior, all things paper, plastic, party, and pottery. She's always been the first one I call when I'm going to redecorate a room in my house. She makes putting stylish stuff together look SO easy. Her latest creative outlet is blog design (watch mine...coming soon! It's going to ROCK!). While she's been doing this for awhile, she's just gone through some fresh rebranding and expanding to open her new business, Uptown Design Studio. The expansion effort inolves offering a wide range of personal blog styles, but also professional sites, Etsy shop banners and custom announcements. It's so super chic...and for a GREAT cause: all proceeds go to raising funds for their trip to China. Of course, I'd tell you all anyways cuz she's been my GIRL since I was six years old! But as an added bonus, she's having a sweet little giveaway on her blog. Check it out here!

More picture posts coming soon...I'm working on AMAAAAAAZING pictures from my weekend in Mackinac Island with James and Sarah!! Also, post-wedding pictures of Kenneth and Jessica on the beach, brothers Micah and Eli's studio session, brand new baby Reese in the hospital, and 2 year old Jack's fun in the park! I'm rockin' it out over here so check back often!