A Post for the Middle of Winter

I don't surf the web for these things...usually friends send them to me. And when they do, I have to give them a huge shout out on my blog for doin' the leg work for me. I love a well done video clip. This one was forwarded to me by Eric from EB Photography. You can check out their work at www.ebphotography.com. But it was created by Zack Arias at www.zackarias.com. I think it's a brilliant piece of work and I know that a lot of photographers and aspiring photographers read my blog, so I thought I'd share it. I think that quite a few of you will feel the message of this video to the core of your very soul. It sure cut right through me! I've been there! I wonder if maybe there's a little part of ALL of us who can relate to this to some degree.

And a big thanks to those of you who are a warm bright spot in the midst of a cold winter...even though it's off season and I enjoy the change of pace, by about this time of year I'm chompin at the bit to get back in the saddle. Looking forward to some upcoming photo shoots with some stoics who are not afraid of the cold that seems to have returned to laugh in our faces. We're gonna rock it out anyways! YAH!