Engaged and In Love {Chris and Jamie}

I've been dying to blog Chris and Jamie for awhile now but I've been so far behind on my blogging! I'm shooting faster than I can blog at the moment, which is a good problem to have.

Chris and Jamie have a unique trailing story that I've been excited to share because way back in the day Jamie's life and mine crossed paths a bit. Back in high school Jamie and I attended the same school for one year. I was much more of a nerd than she was (imagine that!) so our paths crossed very rarely in a school of over 2000 students. But I knew who she was...come on now...look at her...EVERYONE knew who Jamie was!!! She just has this thing about her that makes her amazingly memorable and it's not just outward beauty...it's an aura of happiness and calmness.

Obviously Chris thought she was pretty memorable too!

See, Jamie and Chris met online way back when the internet had no reputation for being scary. False identities weren't running rampant yet and chat rooms were just a cool way to instantly meet and talk to people...on the other side of the country, for instance. They became fast friends and the chat room novelty made the distance between the girl in Indiana and the boy in Alaska seem so very short. So short, in fact, that it seemed like nothing at all for Chris to decide he was just going to fly on over and meet her face to face. No big deal...what's a little 3000 mile journey to stop him from meeting this girl of his dreams?

They met and enjoyed one another's company, but friends they remained. Jamie was in a relationship. But Chris' mind had been altered...his standard of measure had been raised. He didn't know if he could settle for anything less than Jamie ever again.

Life and years passed. Jamie came to a place where her heart was broken and it was almost as if she went back in time to where she last felt secure and safe...she found her strength in Chris who had always been there for her, demanding nothing, waiting all those years. Not waiting anxiously or bitterly, just waiting for God to provide the glimpse of perfection he had seen in Jamie.

Now they are perfectly together. They are so solid together, so comfortable with each other, and so ridiculously gooood loooking. ;) Without further ado, I give you, Chris and Jamie:

And Zoe. We can't forget Zoe.








This is the REAL Chris and Jamie...models by day, comedians by night...







My personal favorite...I feel like this picture is from a forgotten dream I had once.


A little illustration of what some skilled off-camera flash can do. Here's the natural light rendition:


And the off camera flash version:


