Prairie House Massage

Every winter in Indiana is cold and let's face it, a little depressing. We're all scrambling for pick-me-ups to get us through to warmer weather. This winter it was providential that I stumbled across a little piece of indoor sunshine in the way of a super cool guy named Jeff. Jeff and I met at Art Beat. I was manning my booth and I turned around to see this tall intellectual looking guy peering at one of my pieces thoughtfully, arms crossed, one hand on his chin. I didn't want to break his concentration so I left him alone for a bit, but after awhile I just had to know what he found SO intriguing about this particular picture! Turns out Jeff is the President of Bike Michiana Coalition and he was drawn to one of my all-time favorite images, a picture I took of a man and his son on a bike while in Romania last summer. The picture kind of subtly represents Jeff's world...Jeff is a former Minister so the fact that the image was taken on a missions trip is appropriate. He's promotes everyday bicycling and that's clearly represented. The image has a strong artistic pull for the viewer because there's a lot of unknowns and the hands in the image slightly resemble Michelangelo's "God and Adam." Lastly, Jeff is a highly trained and very talented Massage Therapist and I think it's only appropriate that the man in the picture is bare-backed and ready for his 2pm massage! Ok, maybe I'm grasping at straws on that one, but hey! After studying the image for awhile longer, Jeff asked for my business card...and the rest is history. A large print of the image now proudly hangs in his office at Prairie House Massage in South Bend, giving his clients a deep and profound look at Jeff's multi-faceted world and artistic taste.

When I went in to pay Jeff a visit and see my artwork on the wall, it just so happened to be one of the WORST weather days this winter. I could hardly see the car in front of me, the drifts were measured in feet not inches, and the wind was trying to blow my van off the road. I stumbled through the front door and up the steps, thawing and dripping as I went. But when I walked through the door of Prairie House Massage, it was as if rays of sunshine landed on my face and warmth enveloped me instantly! It was so warm and welcoming! It was "sit on the front porch with a cup o' tea and chat in the sunshine" warm. In the midst of a very cold winter, it was especially welcoming and I knew that this place would be FUN to take pictures of! It has such a soul because of how much Jeff puts himself into everything he does.

You can bet that on really cold Winter days, and after shooting a long Summer wedding, and amidst stressful Fall deadlines, and probably just during Spring fever, you'll find me filling up on R&R at Prairie's one of my new favorite places!

(for more information, visit







Jeff has expertise in medical massage including Oncology and Sports, among others.




A new spin on a couple's massage...Jeff will teach you how to give a better massage so you can take some knowledge home with you! I thought this was brilliant!



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