Fresh Blogging Energy...

I'm back! WHEW! Had a nice long vacation relaxing with the family...oooh, it was NIIIIICE! Swimming in the pool every day and visiting with my dear, sweet grandma. Blue skies, fresh clean rain-filtered air, the sun and the gorgeous sunsets...I came home with so much positive energy! But my poor neglected blog. I left in such a rush I didn't even have a chance to schedule some posts like I had planned, to hold you all over. I'm behind...oh, so VERY far behind, on updating you on my life. I promise that evidence of my fresh energy is going to be hitting your screens very soon! We'll start with a couple pix from our vacation...


I love this one because what you can't see is how long Jadon laid back like this just soaking up the gorgeous view...anything that stops our little booger in his tracks is pretty stunning! :)


I love the wonderment represented here...


The aquarium is relaxing and fun to be in even when you're not near the water dislpays...




Some of our fun in the sun...


I don't know how I could be more in love with this picture!!! It's such a typical Jadon moment.


The fluffy clouds were gorgeous and made me feel happy and peaceful. I couldn't help taking a picture of them to remember that feeling by!


My dear sweet Grandma. She is SUCH an amazing woman. My very take-charge Italian Grandpa has been gone for two years now and no one thought that Grandma would be as strong and independent as she is without him. I'm so proud of her and love her so much!


Some rare brotherly love...



My little brother, Micah...he's single ladies, and very accomplished!




My amazing and very sexy husband finally let me take some pictures of him! I had FUN with these pix! Isn't he SO photogenic? As photogenic as he is, he's even MORE wonderful, which is so rare! I love him SO much!




AND, if you're feeling YOUR blog needs a little infusion of positive energy as well, I have JUST the thing...a blog makeover! My bff Rebecca is one of the most talented people I know when it comes to design of any kind and now that she's back from China and settled in with their new little guy, she's decided to reopen her blog design schedule. She's introduced fresh new photo blogs that will show off your pix nice and big and beautiful...and right now she's GIVING one away on her blog at To be entered into the drawing, all you have to do is leave her a comment! It's that easy!