Jack turns 2...

You know what, I have the BEST customers in the whole world, and I mean that with all my heart! And I do mean all of you...not just Jack, but for some reason Jack makes me feel like expressing it to all of you right now. We had so much fun! When he walked in, he was a little timid, but he warmed up quickly and we had SUCH a good time goofing off, laughing, playing in the park, and getting these great action shots. I do always make sure to get some normal ones, the ones you really want to hang on the wall and send to Aunt Suzie, but I LOVE the action ones!! The ones that show personality and the true nature of a two year old. Here's Jack, having a blast like any healthy kid should...

The belly laughs! Oh my goodness, I just can't keep a straight face when I look at this shot.

Here's the "Aunt Suzie" shots (my kids have an aunt Suzie, doesn't everyone?)

He has a great serious face, doesn't he? LOVE the eyes!

My favorite picture of Jack and his beautiful Mama!

And I generally save the best for last...my favorite smile from Jack:

Coming soon: Kenneth and Jessica's wedding pictures on the beach! It's so awesome, I can't wait to show it, but I want to space out my posts a little.