Kenneth and Jessica's Beach Session

Kenneth and Jessica had a gorgeous wedding a couple months ago, but there were a few little flukey mishaps that ended up cutting our picture taking short. We arrived at the beach a little later than hoped, only to see a storm rolling in over the water. A BIG storm! We caught a few quick pictures of the wind whipping Jessica's veil straight up in the air, and then we hopped back in our vehicles and high tailed it out of there! So to complete their set of wedding pictures, we decided to go to the same location on a different evening. I am SO happy that they value great photography as much as I do and were willing to go to all this effort with me. I think these turned out fantastic!

Bridget caught this shot, isn't it a great moment?

This is one of my favorites. If you were at Art Beat, you may have seen this one in at my booth.

We found this sign at the top of the hill, kind of stuck in the tall grasses. I love it when things like that's serendipity!

Bridget caught this shot too, and I KNOW Ken and Jess will especially love it because of the lighthouse!

It was a windy day, but I didn't mind at added some great drama to Jessica's beautiful dress.

Do you think I predicted the tide perfectly or caught the moment just before their feet got soaking wet? Hmmmm...

Congrats, you two! You're beautiful and your wedding pictures were worth every ounce of effort! Kenneth, don't you think so? ;)