More class info

I'm super excited and really honored to see the initial response about the upcoming class! I've heard from soooo many people via email, facebook, or blog posts expressing an interest in signing up! OVERWHELMED! Thanks everyone! I'm a little sad that we'll have to narrow it down to 10 for this first time through, but I do want to make sure everyone gets as much 1 on 1 instruction as they need. I'll have a special blog post in coming weeks to announce official open registration, and the first 10 to sign up will be locked in. I'll also be letting you all know how one of you can earn a free [YEP I said FREE!] spot in the class. This is going to be so fun!

I don't want to leave you on the edge of your seats, so here's a little more info. I'm looking at beginning this in November and it will last for 1 month. I'm already beginning to write and come up with crazy assignments for you all. I just can't wait to see what creative ideas come out of 10 completely unique artists!

Start your cameras and warm up your trigger fingers!