Psssst! Want to take better pictures?

Alright, it's time to reveal a little secret that has been brewing over here. If you follow my bff Rebecca on her blog, you got a little inside information already last night. Several of my friends and readers have been asking me if I would pass along a few tips about taking better pictures. Of course, there's no easy answer...this is a bigger question than most realize. There's a lot to it! Over the summer I could not IMAGINE having the time to pull this many thoughts together, but as I wind down a little, it actually seems like a fun little project for the off season. It will most likely be in the form of an private blog tutorial with weekly assignments and my personal review of those assignments. I'll be accepting only 10 students the first time to make sure I can give everyone enough personal attention.

Now, this class is for those slinging big guns for which they have no license. It will be for beginners only, and you will want to have a DSLR, or at the VERY least a camera that does not have a shutter delay! If you have one of those point and shoots that takes the picture 2 seconds after you push the button, hire a fortune teller...I won't have a clue how to assist you in predicting the future! But if you paid out the wazoo for a DSLR (that would be a digital camera with removable lenses) and still use it like a point and shoot, then this class would be for you. Maybe you're shooting in automatic modes and wondering why your pictures don't look at all like what you're seeing right in front of you. Or maybe your indoor pictures are blurry and whose outdoor pictures are sillouhettes. THOSE are problems we can fix!

We'll also cover some post-processing tips so that when you learn how to take GOOD pictures, you can take it that next step and make them AWESOME!

More information to come, including pricing, dates, and how YOU could win a free spot in the class! Stay tuned!