I am so excited to be rubbing shoulders with more of the adoption community lately, through my bff Bex and others. I'm getting a little taste of all the joy and happiness that these families and chidren experience when they are united. It's my honor and pleasure to help promote their adoption efforts.
Rachel's story is particularly amazing. The family waiting to go get her from China had been sponsoring her, like you do through those programs you see commercials for on TV. For years they researched and tried to locate her and eventually were amazingly able to hunt her down and arrange to adopt her! It was not at all expected that they would be able to do so...it was definitely a "God Thing" as I like to call it! But now her family is approved to travel but has had to postpone this because their son was in an automobile accident.
Some amazing women including Bex all rallied together, pitched in, and called for some donations to begin this fundraiser for Rachel's family. You can read more of their amazing story and donate for a chance to win an awesome Nikon SLR camera and accessories by clicking the link below. It doesn't take much to help...just pass the word along and if you can, pitch in $10, $20, or $50. You'll help change a life!