A couple recipes from "Chef Bridgette"

Most of my customers now know, know of, or have heard from my assistant Bridget over the past year. She's really an amazing addition to our little operation here! Not only is she my personal assistant, she's my graphic designer, customer service rep, lighting assistant, and sometimes even second shooter! She's got SKILLS, people! Well, this past month or so I've seen some really incredible photo edits coming across my desk and I thought I'd ask Bridget on behalf of you all, to share some of her secret recipes. We'll try to do this regularly as new and different ideas surface.

Here's Lindsey straight off the camera:


And here's Lindsey after:

Oh Snap (Totally Rad Actions) 100%

Vintage Plum 50% (UIP Actions)

(and my very own sharpening action that is a toned down knock-off version of what Dave Hill does. The lessened version fits my style better.)


Tess looked pretty gorgeous to begin with:


But then Bridget threw in a little:

Rusty Cage (Totally Rad Actions) with light and dark layers at 75%

Warm Vintage (UIP) at 25%

Dirty Diana (Totally Rad) at about 40% and sponged off the subject.


Here's a more subtle, but 2-step recipe. The first shot is straight off my camera. When shooting into the sunlight, dark tones are always washed out sacrifically to expose for their faces.


But no problem! In Lightroom, Bridget adjusted the dark tones and gave it a little vibrant punch. She also used the recovery tool to pull the highlights back a little.


And lastly, for complete perfection, she pulled it into Photoshop for a quick Ying/Yang (Totally Rad Actions) to lighten the faces, Moulin Rouge at 20% (layer Boost 1 only), and the Dave Hill sharpen.


There's more where this came from! Bridget is cooking up a new concoction at her desk as we speak! Gorgeous wedding pictures are about to be unveiled! Stay tuned!

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Hits since 2/21/2008

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